Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Homework This Week (Aug 30-Sept 1)

Along with ready their Science Study Guide for 10 minutes each night, students will also need to complete the following to prepare for their Measurement Test on Friday:

Metric Test 1 (#2)

Metric Test 1 (#4)

Metric Test 1 (#6)

*They may use their Study Guides to help them answer the questions, but they should try to use the hints less and less each night.

Tic Tac Toe

Each 9 weeks, the students will choose one assignment from our Tic Tac Toe board they will be responsible for completing. The students may work on their project during their free time in class or may work on it at home if they want. I will be looking for accurate information, following directions, creativity and neatness. There will be one Tic Tac Toe assessment due each 9 weeks and it will be counted as an assessment grade.

The first 9 weeks Tic Tac Toe assignment is due Friday, October 7, 2011.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week at a Glance

  • Return signed Conduct Cards
  • Back-to-School Night

  • Measurement Quiz
*No school Monday, September 5 - Labor Day

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to School Night

Monday, August 29, 2011
Times: 6:00-6:30 or 6:45-7:15
Babysitting available for all grades
(Pre-K to 5th Grade)

Come find out about your student's classroom procedures and curriculum!

Monday, August 22, 2011

September Book Orders

September book orders will be sent home this Friday, August 26. Please select your requests and return the book order and money to Mrs. Knight by Friday, September 16.

If you would like to order online, our class code is: HK9CR

Parent Conference Sign Ups

Please sign-up below for your parent conference on October 10, if you have not already done so at Meet the Teacher.

*If you don't want to create an account when you sign up simply select "I don't want an account. I'll just enter my name" and just enter your student's name.

This is an opportunity to look at your student's progress so far, and build a parent/teacher relationship that will help your student succeed in 5th grade.

I am looking forward to meeting with you on Monday, Oct. 10!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome to 5th Grade!!!

I am so excited for this ROCKIN' school year to begin! I enjoyed meeting everyone at Meet the Teacher and I look forward to meeting the rest on Monday!

This blog is a way for me connect and communicate with you at home about what is happening in our classroom and campus. I will weekly post homework, things that need to be signed and brought back, heads up on events and projects in class, etc... If you are curious to see what I have posted in the past for the last school year, feel free to look through my archived posts.

Anyone may comment on the posts even without an account, as long as the comments are courteous and  positive towards the school and classroom environment.

I hope that you find this blog useful and helpful in making this year with me a success!