Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last Day of School Schedule - June 1, 2011

8:40 - 9:00      Arrival & Breakfast
9:00 - 11:30    Class Instruction
11:30 - 12:00  Lunch
12:00 - 12:30  End of Year Party
12:30 - 1:00    Recess
1:00 - 1:50      Class Instruction
1:50 - 2:40      Large Group
2:40 - 3: 30     Special Treat
3:30 - 4:00      Dismissal

* Students will not need backpacks (only if they want them to carry home report cards)
* Students may be picked up at any time during the day, but once they have been signed out they must remain off campus

Have a FUN, SAFE summer!!! See you next year!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Independent Research Showcase

Ms. Schenk and I are sending a big THANK YOU out to everyone who came to the Independent Research Showcase last night! We had amazing projects on display and we had a wonderful turn out. We had a lot of fun preparing for the showcase and I would call it a huge success!

Good Luck DI!

The Gleason DI Dominators are heading to Tennessee this morning to compete at the Global Competition. There will be 1,000 teams competing from over 30 countries from around the world. We will be sending our best wishes from Texas...Good luck girls!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week at a Glance

This is our last FULL week of the year!

- Conduct Cards due

- Social Studies Benchmark
**Independent Research Showcase (4:00 pm)

- Math Quiz

- 5th Grade Living History Museum

- Fact Quiz
- Aquatic Birds demo
- No Bones About It presentation

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Extended Hours

With our showcase fast approaching, Ms. Schenk and I have decided to have extended hours for students to work on their projects at school. Our classroom will be open at the following times:

Friday       8:00-8:30 am
Monday    8:00-8:30 am
Tuesday    8:00-8:30 am

* The extended hours are not mandatory and extra credit will not be given for attending

Monday, May 16, 2011

This Week's Homework

Since we have our final Science Benchmark on Thursday, May 19, 2011, we are going to do DSH a little differently this week. Students will receive a copy of their DMH on Monday with a Reading Log attached on top. The reading assignments need to be completed with a parent signature in place of their DSH. The reading assignments are:

Monday - Part 1-3 in the Science Study Guide
Tuesday - Part 4-6 in the Science Study Guide
Wednesday - CBA Reviews completed in class

*DMH and DSH will be turned in on Friday like normal.

Week at a Glance

Turn in Conduct Cards

Science Benchmark

Fact Quiz
DSH and DMH due

Houston Museum of Natural Science Visit

Friday, May 13, 2011

Houston Museum of Natural Science

The Houston Museum of Natural Science is giving students from Gleason Elementary discounted rates for visits on May 21, 2011. If you bring the yellow slip that was attached to their conduct card, you can get the dicount on specific exhibits. Please bring the yellow slip back to your teach the following Monday so the school can look into the most popular choices for future feild trip options.

If you would like further information about the museum, you can visit their website:

Independent Research Showcase Update

A note was sent home this week for the Texas Roadhouse Drive Thru on May 24 from 4-6pm in the Gleason cafeteria. Have no fear! We are still having our Independent Research Showcase on May 24, 2011 at 4:00 pm. However, we will now be presenting in the Gleason Library. Feel free to come see the students and grab a Texas Roadhouse dinner on your way out!

End of Year Party

With less than three weeks before the end of school we are getting prepared for our End of Year Party! A Pre-Registration form is coming home this week. Please fill it out and send it back by Friday, May 20.

On the day of the party, June 1, 2011, the fourth grade will have lunch from 11:30-12:00 and our End of Year Party will be from 12:00-12:30. Students may not be signed/checked out to attend another grade level's party. If a student is checked out, they will need to remain off campus.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week at a Glance

- Conduct Cards returned
- Book Fair Late Night til 6:30 pm


- Math Quiz

- Part 6 Test

- Fact Quiz
- DMH & DSH due
- Code of Conduct Forms due
- Scholastic Book Orders due
- Pennies for Patients due
- Book Fair open 7:30 am -12:00 pm

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pie in the Face Auction

At the end of the day our classes got to watch as the winners of our "Pie in the Face" auction got their prize!

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this possible!

Code of Conduct Book

A form was sent home with your student today about the Code of Conduct book. The book is going to be on-line next year.  We need you to sign the form acknowledging that you know the book is going to be on-line and return it to school by May 13, 2011.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"More" and "Most" Thinking Questions

For the students' independent research projects, they will be creating a "more" or "most" thinking question to research. Here are a few examples of each for guidance.

"More" Thinking Question
Questions that can be answered when you use information you already know in new situations. These types of questions may be answered after you already know something about your topic.

- How do you classify birds?
- How do gerbils learn?
- How do students feel about different subjects in school?

"Most" Thinking Question
Questions that can be answered with you create and/or evaluate new information. These types of questions are answered by new inventions, creations, or discoveries that require a lot of knowledge about your topic.

- How might I develop a way to protect animals in urban areas?
- How do we decide who should be the president of the school's student council?
- How might I teach other students about computers?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Fair

The Gleason Elementary Book Fair will be held May 9-13th in the library.

If you would like to volunteer to work at the book fair, go to http://signupgenius.com/go/book378 to sign up.

Week at a Glance

- Conduct Cards & Progress Reports due

- Showcase Permission Slips due


- Part 6 Vocabulary Quiz - 2nd Part

- Part 6 Vocabulary Cards due
- Fact Quiz
- DMH & DSH due