Monday, February 28, 2011

Math in the Home

Although there is no DMH this week, we can still use math every day! This week try to find something at home that is around 16 fluid ounces. Look in your kitchen, bathrooms, garage, etc. Once you find something about 16 fluid ounces, calculate how many cups 16 fluid ounces would equal. Remember to bring your parents along in your hunt!

Weekly Announcements

Writing TAKS is TOMORROW!! Get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. You will do an AWESOME job!!

There will be no Daily Math Homework this week or Fact Quiz on Friday. Daily Science Homework will be passed out on Wednesday to be turned in on Friday. Ocean vocabulary cards are still due this Thursday!

No math tutoring after school on Tuesday but we will have Math Camp for students who were invited on Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm.

Western Day is Thursday. The 4th graders will be performing from 1:50-2:40pm. Come join the fun!

Yearbook Deadline has been extended to March 15, 2011. You will have an extra two weeks to send in the orders.

Next week we have a Decimal Quiz on Tuesday and the Science Benchmark on Thursday.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting Pepped for TAKS

Friday afternoon, the 4th grade had a pep rally to get excited about the Writing TAKS. The language arts teachers reviewed tips and strategies for success on the test and then we celebrated our hard work with dancing and singing. 

Even the administration team was jazzed up about TAKS!

To all my awesome students: Enjoy this beautiful weekend and get lots of rest so you can come to school next week ready to dominate the TAKS test! You can do it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sea Stars

Today in class, the students got an up close and personal view of a sea star. We talked about the parts of a sea star and a few interesting facts, but we had more questions than time allowed. I have provided links with additional information about sea stars you might enjoy reading through!

Dorsal (top) side

Ventral (bottom) Side

- Mrs. Knight

Date Correction

The Science Benchmark will be March 10, 2011.

I have corrected my original post that had it listed for March 9.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Math in the Home

This week, try to find examples of lines and angles in your home:

Right - perfect corner (90 degrees)
Obtuse - Larger than a right angle
Acute - Smaller than a right angle (a cute little angle)

Parallel - run next to each other; never touch
Perpendicular - two lines cross and make right angles
Intersecting - two lines cross but do not make right angles (make acute and obtuse angles)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Helpful Links

On the right side of my blog I have listed a few helpful links: 
  • TEA Website - you can find released TAKS tests and study guides for extra practice in all the subjects
  • Study Jams - we watch videos from this site to introduce and review material discussed in class
  • Ms. Schenk's Class Blog - you can quickly connect to Ms. Schenk's class blog from my blog
*Student grades can be viewed online. If you have lost your PIV information, you can contact Gleason's front desk (281-517-6800). Students also record their grades every Friday on their Assignment Logs.

Upcoming Dates

March 1 - TAKS Writing
March 2 - Spring Pictures
March 3 -Western Day and Ocean Vocabulary Cards due
March 10 - Science Benchmark

* DMH and DSH are still due each Friday
* Conduct cards are to be signed and returned each Monday 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Welcome to the Knightly Report! I will use this blog to post any upcoming assignments, dates or reminders for my class. The first post will be published soon!

For any questions or concerns, you can always reach me at  

Mrs. Knight